Saturday 21 December 2013

When Last Did You Send An SMS?

I could remember when sending an Sms is N15, it came down to N10, N7, N5, and now N4.

I'm sure all those major telecommunication companies go dey swear give BBM, Wechat, Nimbuzz, Whatsapp, even small 2go for this.

I feel the law of gravity is also effective on the market prices. When MTN sim is still been sold for N14,000 a friend of mine jokingly said, he won't buy one until they are selling it for "Gbanjo" in Iyana Ipaja or Oshodi. I was coming home from work one evening and I saw sim cards on the floor in Iyana Ipaja going for N100 and I remembered his words.

On a serious note now, we don't send sms anymore. But my Fiancee sent me an sms on a certain Saturday and it felt soooo good, as in we just finished our bedtime chat on BBM and Wazzzza, the text Message came in. I called her back and reassured her of my Love for her.

Things changes, we left our handwritten love letters when SMS came, now we've left our SMS' for the Chatting Apps, Soon, we are gonna leave these chat apps for something else, something new. But you can make use of the old ways to surprise your loved ones. Imagine dropping a love letter inside your lady's bag..... Its a wonderful thing.

I hope this write up make sense to you guys. It just came to my head and I just felt like sharing it with you all.

Gracias muchos Amigos!!!

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