Monday 30 December 2013

4 Steps to Living A Satisfying Life

To enjoy everyday, week, month and year of your live, some things are very important. I'm going to touch the four that I feel are most important.

1. GOD
I have to go a little spiritual here. God gives us life. He deserves our respect and obedience. If you haven't, establish a tight relationship with him today, I mean right away. Love him. Loving him means obeying his commandments.

An obedient child will always be free with his or her parents. Sometimes he wouldn't have to ask before the parents responds. That's how God is. Praise him, thank him, obey him, worship him, pray.

Success is nothing with Bad health. Watch what you eat, how you eat and when you eat. Don't you ever skip meals. Have a balanced diet. Balanced diet is alien to many of us even as we have been hearing it since our childhood days. Keep clean.

Hygiene is the key. Cultivate the Hand Washing Behaviour (HWB) Whenever you step out of your house and return, Hand Wash must be the first thing you do.
For those of us without private cars, those metals we place our hands in the buses, BRT Stations etc, we carry germs. So try hard to keep clean and stay out of fumes, get yourself a nose guard. Take it along wherever you go.

Don't hate, its dangerous for your heart. Forgive easily. Smile. Listen to good music. I mean GOOD MUSIC. Watch and Listen to comedy. Its good for our total Health.

Of what use is a football match without a goal post Or a relay race without a finish line? Set yourself goals and set deadlines. Don't set goals that you well know you cannot reach. Don't procrastinate. Write down your new ideas or new perceived ways or achieving your goals.
Do a self assessment at the end of every week. Make sure at the end of each day you've achieved something beneficial to your set goal. Don't be too proud or shy to ask for help. Be in the company of those of the same orientation as you.

Knowing God as we said earlier compels you to love others because God is love. At the end of each day you should have made someone happy in the course of the day. You're more happy when you try your best to make others happy. Be ready to give, no matter how little. Cultivate a self sacrificing spirit. Let the "Me First" Virus go with 2013.

Enjoy 2014 and the rest of your life.

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