Friday 3 January 2014

Sleeping Disorder and Solutions. PART 1

Fighting Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping disorder is a problem which 3 out of any 10 adults are facing today. Causes ranges from stress related issues and what I refer to as the self factor.

Benefits of Sleep.
Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles.

Adequate sleep provided you with mental sharpness, productivity, emotional balance, creativity, physical vitality, and even your weight etc.

What is Sleeping Disorder?
Sleeping disorder is a situation when you realize that you find it hard to sleep or your sleep is always interrupted. Normally, we should have an 8hr sleep everyday. Let's break it down so that we can see that we are are not to distort the perfect arrangement of nature.

We have 24hrs in a day. 12hrs (Day) for our Daily activities. 12hrs (Night) for dinner/rest and sleep. 7am to 7pm is 12hrs (Day) 7pm to 7am (night) out of this 12hrs, 8hrs should be for rest/sleep. The remaining 4hrs should cover for eating, family discussion and preparation for the next day. Its even beneficial to spend like 1-2hrs out of the 12hrs (Day) sleeping. We call it siesta.
Now if your sleeping pattern does not in any way agree with the aforementioned, then you might just be suffering from the sleeping disorder.

The body system is programmed to hibernate at a certain time, but you can force it to continue working. You're doing the body system a great harm. Your body is still fully working till 8pm, from 8pm upward, the body is hibernating, if you eat anything during this period, the body will work extra hard to digest the food. Its like forcing a tired sleepy man to work. You can't have a sound sleep like this.

One Danger of Sleep Deprivation
(We'll add more in the next post)

It can add to your waistline (Weight)

Ever noticed how when you’re short on sleep you crave sugary foods that give you a quick energy boost? There’s a good reason for that.
Sleep deprivation has a direct link to overeating and weight gain.

There are two hormones in your body that regulate normal feelings of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, while leptin sends signals to the brain when you are full.
However, when don’t get the sleep you need, your ghrelin levels go up, stimulating your appetite so you want more food than normal, and your leptin levels go down, meaning you don’t feel satisfied and want to keep eating. So, the more sleep you lose, the more food your body will crave.

What you can do?

1. Don't just live your life as you like. If you have a detailed daily plan, you hardly will over work yourself.

2. Eat healthy foods, fruits, do it on time. Don't eat too much. Chew well, take plenty fluids.

3. If you can't sleep without having to read or watch TV, there's a problem. Sleep should come naturally. (Follow what has been discussed and the subsequent tips)

4. Respect your bedroom. These are the things that should not be in your bedroom.
*A Reading Table,
*A Book Shelve
*Books on your Bed
*Wardrobe (we have dressing rooms) though this applies just to the wealthy.

Why we said all these shouldn't be in the bedroom is that, mere thinking of your bedroom alone should make you wanna sleep.

Your bed should always be laid with clean sheets and pillowcases. Well ventilated. No Bright lights.

You can say to yourself that this post is not as true. It might be because you're still young and your young body is still rugged. A time will come when all these will certainly come back.

Cultivate a very good sleeping habit today and enjoy a healthy life.

Average Sleep Needs by Age

Newborn to 2 months old. 12 - 18 hrs
3 months to 1 year old. 14 - 15 hrs
1 to 3 years old. 12 - 14 hrs
3 to 5 years old. 11 - 13 hrs
5 to 12 years old. 10 - 11 hrs
12 to 18 years old. 8.5 - 10 hrs
Adults (18+). 7.5 - 9 hrs

Next, we will discuss The Stages of Sleep and Myths and Facts about Sleep

Till then, Sleep well.